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Packages/OptionsVIN DecoderDoor Sticker Decoder

Note that the following information is provided with no guarantees of accuracy. In fact, for the 93-97 Vics I understand there is a metal tag on the front passenger door. Try bruzilla for that information as I cannot confirm it.

If you have reason to believe anything is in error, please notify me via email:
[email protected] (remove nospam from the address).

Door Sticker Decoder (default is the number on my sticker, open the dropdown box to see what else can be in that place)
Sample door sticker
Where to find your door sticker


EXT PNT (exterior paint):
Exterior colors are confirmed from Ford Order Guides, 1989-2003.

BRK (brake type): (Note: my car has ABS+TC so I don't know why it is a "3")

INT TR (interior trim):
First digit is interior fabric, second is interior color:

Interior colors are confirmed from Ford Order Guides, 1989-2003.

TP/PS (tape/paint stripe):
First digit is tape, second is paint stripe

R (radio):

Note: 98+ axle housings have the Watt's Linkage mounting stud.

TR (transmission):

SPR (springs):
You're on your own deciphering this one, my code is 65XX

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decoder: (default is the number in my VIN, open the dropdown box to see what else can be in that place)

1., 2., 3.: World Manufacturer Code:

4.: Vehicle Restraint System Type Code:

5., 6., 7.: Vehicle Line, Series and Body Type:

A breakdown of what comes on a P71, P74, etc is available here.

8.: Engine:

9.: Check digit:

10.: Model year:

11.: Assembly Plant Code:

12 through 18.: Production Sequence number:

[email protected]
(remove nospam from the address)

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