If installing a 1998-2008 crownvic transmission in a 1992-1997
vehicle, one will either need to repin the vehicle's electrical harness
or swap out the tranmission bulkhead case connector and all of it's
associated internal electrical hardware. Both revisions of the bulkhead
connector use the same castings, so a 92-97 connector will plug into a
98-08 transmission, but the vehicle will be locked in second gear at
line pressure when "drive" is selected unless the connector is repinned.
Below are some notes about the signals shown in the pinouts:
- "Vehicle Power" has +12V on it with the ignition key in the "Run"
position. 1992-1997 vehicles use three seperate pins to supply +12V to
the transmission. 1998+ transmission use one pin and split the +12V
internally in the transmission rather than externally in the vehicles
harness like in previous years. If installing a 98+ tranny in a 92-97
crownvic, the two unused +12V leads can be inserted into any of the
three unused positions on pins 1, 9 or 10. Or they can be covered with
an insulator such as electrical tape and be placed inside the split
loom tubing, but there is a risk of them chaffing into other wires in
the bundle through time.
- Shift solenoid #1 and shift solenoid #2 are applied in the
appropriate binary pattern to automatically switch gears when the
vehicle is gear selector is placed in "drive". To actuate each
solenoid, simply ground the appropriate pin. Be very careful not to
actuate an inappropriate gear at an improper time (i.e. shift into
first gear at 100MPH). The pcm monitors current flow through these pins
when energized, and some later model use an "inductive signature"
too. Additionally, the powertrain control modules also
monitors whether there an appropriate drop or rise in engine crankshaft
speed when a gear change is commanded. It should be noted that shift
solenoid commands are ignored in "reverse", "neutral" and "park".
- Transmission temperature monitoring is accomplished through a
resisitive thermal device. Both the 92-97 RTD and the 98-08 RTD use the
same resistance-temperature relationship. One side of this device is
connected to the "Transmission Fluid Temperature" pin. The other to the
"Signal Return".
- The torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid is a pulse width
modulated solenoid that infinetly varies the slip of the torque
converter anywhere from 0% - 100%. Leaving this solenoid disconnected
would result in 100% slip and the associated poor fuel economy and
elevated fluid temperatures.
Additionally note that tcc lockup is hydraulically disabled in first
gear regardless of the position of this solenoid. The pcm monitors
crankshaft and transmission output shaft speeds. And if a lot of tcc
lockup is
commanded and the pcm senses too much slip between the two, it will set
an appropriate powertrain code.
- The electronic pressure control (EPC) solenoid controls pressure
in the transmission epc circuit which in turn controls transmission
main line pressure through the main regulator valve. Main line pressure
controls the force that clutches are locked together with and also how
firm/soft the shifts feel. The impedance of this device varies with
temperature, but should typically be in the ??5-10?? ohm range. The epc
solenoid is technically a "current controlled" device, but connecting a
frequency counter or oscilloscope will reveal an oscillating waveform.
On project 97' PI, 5KHz was for relatively low line pressures, 10KHz
for relatively high requests (wide open throttle, uphill type) .
- AOD-E and 4R70W transmissions do NOT use a mechanical TV cable.
But this does not appear to deter some uninformed "mechanics" from
looking for one. And then proceding to somehow "adjust" the shifter
cable that they will incorrectly insist is really the throttle valve
cable in disguise.

Note connector pictured above is from a production 1997 crown victoria.
1992-1995 crown vics used a P/Y wire for pin 3 instead of the R/LB wire
used on 96-97 vehicles.

Note: The connector pictured above is for a production 1998 crown
victoria. Some later vehicles used a R/Y power wire on pin 4 instead of
a solid R one.

Below are some other notes about crown vic transmission controls:
- When changing pinouts one will have to contend with weatherpack
seal inside the bulkhead harness connector. Some 92-97 vehicles will
not have "pin 1" open in the gooey weatherpack seal. Punching a hole
a nail or awl in this surface would allow a wire to pass through, but
would not properly seal out moisture. Likely not a problem if you live
in the
new mexico desert, but a sure way to have tranny problems later on if
live in a location such as chicago where tons of road salt &
moisture exist. So, if the donor vehicles transmission harness is not
avaliable or the plastic looks brittle, purchase a new 98-08 bulkhead
pigtail ahead of time from your local ford dealer for around $25. The
part number is 3U2Z-14S411-VHA.
- There are a few revisions of the output shaft speed (OSS) sensors
used in crown vics. Make sure to us the proper output shaft speed (OSS)
sensor for the pcm that your vehicle is running on. All 1992-2003 crown
victorias are compatible in terms of physical shape an size, but the
1992-2000 sensors have a different electrical connector than the
2001-2003 sensors do. Also, starting in 2004, the planetary ring gear
and it's accompying oss sensor were revised and the electrical signal
they generate is completely different.
- The 1998+ revision of the mlps sensor is not electrically
compatible with a 1992-1997 pcm. 92-97 vehicles use a resistive
multiplex setup to inform the pcm of the driver selected gear, 98+
vehicles use a "bullet proof" switch that has numerous normally open
switches in parallel. You will notice is you have the wrong mlps sensor
because the "old ones" have 8 pins, the "newer" ones have 12 pins. Make
sure to properly calibrate the mlps after installation.
- The linkage on the transmission for the gear selector cable
changed. 92-93 crown vics use the "old style" shifter linkage on the
transmission. 94-05 crown vics use the "new style" shifter linkage. If
installing a later transmission into one of the early 92-93 aero-body
crownvics, you can either swap linkages on the transmission or replace
the shifter cable with it's 1994 counterpart. 95-02 shifter cables
could work in a 92-93 vehicle too, but one would have to swap out the
column assembly and the linkage from the column to the steering gear
for their 95-02 counterparts.
- If the bulkhead connector in the transmission is still the
original one
installed by ford during the vehicle's manufacture, the 1992-1997
revision is white in color, the 1998-2008 version is black in color,
and the 2009-2009 connector grey in color. Do
keep in mind that there are numerous aftermarket suppliers of
transmission parts, and not all follow the ford color scheme.
- There is a compatibility issue with certain 2001+
valve bodies and certain 1992-2000 powertrain control modules. Line
pressure will be within
spec, but the 3-4 shift will slip into neutral for 2-3 seconds with
very light throttle application. Reprogramming of the pcm line pressure
curve or alteration of the valve body will be required to correct this
problem. For options on reprogramming the pcm, visit:
http://www.superchipscustom.com http://www.blueovalchips.com
http://www.hypertech.com http://www.superchips.com
- In the 2003 model year, a new revision of the output shaft
without the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) teeth present was introduced
into production. If installing a 2003 or later transmission into a 2002
or earlier crown victoria, make sure that the vss teeth are present on
the output shaft as you will need a valid vss signal to supply both the
speedometer and the pcm. On later vehicles, such as 1998+ lincoln
towncars, 1999+ mustangs and 2003+ crown vics, vehicle speed is
calculated by the pcm from output shaft speed data. Do keep in mind
that some 2003+ vehicles still have the old style output shaft in them
complete with vss teeth even though the teeth don't drive a sensor. If
in doubt, remove the plug in the vss sensor hole or better yet the
entire tailshaft housing for inspection
- Output shafts with both the "7 tooth" and "8 tooth" speedometer
gears have been used in production crown victorias. For 3.27 or
numerically lower rear axle gears, either output shaft will be
acceptable with the appropriate speed sensor gear. If you're running
3.55 or higher gears, you'll want the 7 tooth variety. As another
option, the speedometer signal can be modified with a speedcal or
electronic ratio adapter (era) device
before it is sent to the pcm and instrument cluster. See also:
http://www.dallasmustang.com/screen/speedcal and
http://www.atrol.com/cx_era.htm Note: A global positioning sensor (GPS)
device may be useful to accurately calibrate your speedometer.
frequency range will vary somewhat depending on model year pcm strategy
in attempts to minimize the hammer wear affect on valves and their
bores. 1992-2000 crown vics all use a solenoid with the same current
flow/line pressure relationship, 2001+ crown victorias use a revised
solenoid first introduced in selected 1999 5.4L trucks which slightly
the maximum allowable line pressure. Note that if this device were left
disconnected, the transmission would revert to maximum line pressure.
This may be acceptable for temporary testing or some runs at the local
drag track, but running a tranny in a daily driver at full time max
line pressure for a few weeks will result in some sort of transmission
- The dimensions of the two oil passage holes cut into the valve
body for the shift solenoids has NOT changed between the model years.
- The valve body guide pins on 1992-1995 crown vics are larger than
on 1996+ models. If a newer valve body is installed into an older
transmission case, make sure to use the proper guide pin spacers. A
valvebody that is improperly aligned to the case will cause a variety
of difficult to diagnose transmission problems. Refer to the
appropriate TSB for details.
1992-1994 specific notes
- 1992-1994 crown vics use a low impedance torque converter clutch
solenoid. 1995+ crown vics use a higher impedance solenoid. Use of a
high impedance solenoid with a 92-94 powertrain module will result in
no tcc apply. Use of a 92-94 low impedance solenoid in a 95+ vehicle
will result in powertrain module and/or wiring harness damage. Watch
out if installing a 1995 transmission from a non-panther platform ford
vehicle as some of these were still "low impedance" solenoids.
Additionally note that a low impedance "hardwire" circuit board type
tcc solenoid is not avaliable from ford or from the aftermarket.
However, a 1992-1994 solenoid can be modified to physically fit inside
a transmission with a hardwire case connector system by removing some
of the plastic around the connector with a tool such as a hacksaw
blade, sawzall blade, dremel rotory tool with cutoff wheel, etc. The
dimensions of the oil passage hole cut into the valve body has NOT
changed between the model years. Click here
to view additional information about this modification.
- The AODE transmissions used in the early 92-94 crown vics use a
slightly larger diameter tailshaft housing bushing and driveshaft slip
yoke than the
later 4R70W models. But the bolt pattern where the driveshaft attaches
to the rear axle assembly is the same between the years. If installing
a later model tranny, make sure to grab the driveshaft from the donor
car. Alternatively, an AODE tailshaft housing assembly will bolt onto a
4R70W transmission and allow use of the old AODE driveshaft, but do be
warned that a worn tailshaft bushing will wear the case where the
direct clutch seals to the output shaft. Additionally, be warned that
police model crown vics have an
output shaft and tailshaft housing that is an inch longer than their
civilian counterparts. Lincoln towncars and some ford trucks also use
the longer output shaft.
- The AODE transmissions used in early 92-94 crownvics use
different gear ratios than the later 95+ 4R70W equipped crown vics do.
The later "wide ratio" gear set is desireable since it results in
improved acceleration and is also constructed of materials that have a
longer fatigue life.
Other miscallenous notes:
Gear Ratios
4R70W Ratio
AOD-E Ratio
- AOD-E and AOD transmissions have the same gear ratios
- Ford
markets a "wide ratio" kit for AOD transmissions (Part# M-7398-D). This
kit is essentially the gear train from a production 4R70W transmission,
along with some other miscallenous parts such a mechanical diode, 2"
wide overdrive band, and needle bearings.
- All 1990 and later crown victorias use electronically driven
- 1989 and prior crown vics still used mechanical cable driven
speedometer units. Vehicles of this vintage with cruise control had an
electronic speed
sensor though.
Shift Solenoid Application Pattern
(with steering column gear selector in "drive")
Shift Solenoid 1
Shift Solenoid 2
- Shift solenoids are electrically commanded by the PCM either "ON"
or "OFF". They are not modulated signals like the TCC and EPC signals
- Shift solenoids more often fail electrically "OFF" than they do
electrically "ON"
- On 1992-1997 vehicles, the wiring harness inside the transmission
sometimes gets chaffed. 1998-2008 vehicles use a circuit board internal
harness and are not prone to this problem. However, starting in 2009
crown vics again started to use a softwire electrical setup inside the
- A leak around the 1-2 accumulator piston will cause the
clutch to drag to some extent and reduce pressure apply pressure
avaliable to other transmission clutches. A really bad leak (i.e.
missing accumulator piston) can in theory cause the vehicle
to start out in "2nd gear" and miss "1st" entirely. But in actual
practice, a large leak on this circuit may result in no 3rd and no 4th
gear complaints due to lowered apply pressure on the other circuits and
new fluid leaks created by the heat/debris generated by the slipping
intermediate clutch. Connecting a
mechanical pressure guage to the clutch taps will confirm or deny
circuit leaks
without disassembling the transmission.
- Part way into the 1997 production year, the 1-2 accumulator
piston was
upgraded from a cast aluminum design to a bonded rubber design which
reduces the chances of pressurized hydraulic fluid leaking around it.
On early models, the bore in the case
is likely to be worn significantly after several years of use. This
process will be greatly accelerated if one or more of the accumulator
springs shatter in the bore. Sleeve kits to repair damaged case 1-2
accumulator bores are
avaliable aftermarket from manufacturers such as sonnax.
- Kracker from www.lincolnsonline.com has constructed an adobe acrobat
pdf document
about swapping out the earlier the electrical components inside the
transmission so that the vehicle's harness does not have to be
repinned. There is also an
html version of this document avaliable.
- Flagracer on www.markviii.org has constructed some
documentation about repinning the vehicle's electrical harness.