Below are some pictures of the fuel sender assembly from a 2000 ford
crown victoria police interceptor.
If you order an aftermarket replacement fuel pump for your crown vic,
all you will get will be the actual pump. Not the complete unit shown.

Sometimes, on older crownvics with some mileage on the odometer, the
wiring which connects the electrical connector on the top of the sender
assembly to the fuel pump below chaffes against the grounded metal
casting of the fuel sender assembly. This can cause an inoperative
vehicle, blown fuses, and a problem that could take a service
technician some time to track down.

Starting in 2003, crown victorias went to a returnless fuel system. And
fuel senders for the 2003+ crownvics will only have one hose connection
rather than the 2 hose connections like on earlier models.

Starting in the 1995 model year, crownvic fuel sender assemblies were
retained to the fuel tank utilizing a few bolts. In the pre-1995
vehicles, the fuel sender assembly was retained to the fuel tank using
a lock-ring.
Also beginning in the 1995 model year, the fuel sender assembly became
constructed of high grade stainless steel to help prevent corrosion.
The pre-1995 vehicles were constructed of regular low carbon steel and
corrossion can create fuel leaks on the older crownvics particulary if
the car lives in the "rust belt" where large quantities of chloride
salts are used on the roads during the winter to clear snow/ice.

Some crown victoria owners with access to salvage crownvic parts cars
have found that they can use later fuel tank setups in their cars if
they also swap in the later fuel tank, fuel sender assembly, fuel
filler neck, and modify their electrical harness with the appropriate
connectors. A few changes to note:
-1992-1997 crown vics have the fuel lines located on the driver's side
of the car. 1998+ crown vics have the fuel lines located on the
passenger's side of the car.
-1995+ fuel tanks retain the fuel sender assembly in the fuel tank
utilizing a few bolts. earlier cars used a lock-ring setup instead.
-1997+ fuel tanks have extra sensors for the obd2 evaporative emissions
-2001+ fuel tanks are designed to monitor obd2 0.020" evap leaks. the
97-00 tanks only monitor for leaks down to 0.040".
-2003+ fuel tanks are mated to a new hydroformed frame with a front
aluminum crossmember
-2003+ fuel tanks have a returnless fuel sender assembly that has one
fuel line instead of the two fuel lines found on earlier vehicles

"Running out of gas" in your fuel injected crown vic adversly
affects the life of the fuel pump because the fuel pump is cooled by
the gasoline flowing through it. So don't be a "penny pincher" and
attempt to "run your car on fumes"