For today's project, we're going to be replacing the hood latch cable
on a 1998 ford crown victoria police interceptor because the old one is
damaged and allows water to leak into the interior passenger
of the car.
The new hood latch cable

The 6W1Z-16916-A hood latch cable is used in production 2006+
crownvics, but it listed as being backwards compatible all the way to
the 1998 model years cars too.

The new cable removed from the shipping bag

The hood latch cable passes through the firewall down low in an
inaccessible location, so the front driver's side is raised using a
jack, and the fender apron pulled back some towards the rear

To allow for extra movement of the fender apron, the cruise servo
bracket is unbolted and a couple of electrical ground lugs seperated
from the

Here are the hood latch cable fasteners and a couple nuts which hold
the cruise servo bracket the the fender apron

The hood latch

The hood latch after the two mounting bolts have been removed from the
core support. The galvanized coating on the hood latch mounting bolts
had worn away in places allowing the underlying metal to corrode. So
penatrant oil was applied to the bolt threads, the bolts partially
removed, more penatrant oil applied, the bolts screwed back in a
little, the backed out again. In the end, both hood latch bolts came
out clean without snapping off in the radiator core support.

The whitish coloration to the latch is because the latch has been
lubricated with white lithium grease a few times to quiet squeaking

The hood latch cable after removing the latch from the end

The hood latch

The back of the hood latch

The hood latch mounting bolts

The fasteners that were removed from the car. Included are the hood
latch cable clips, the two bolts which hold the fender apron to the
fender, a couple cruise servo bracket nuts, the fender apron bracket on
the frame, it's mounting bolt, and the two retainers which hold the
core support plastic cover to the core support below.

The old hood latch cable

The hood latch cable in it's normal position.

The hood latch cable in the release position

The old hood latch cable was functional in the sense that the hood
popped up when you pulled on the handle inside the car

But the rubber grommet in the firewall was damaged and allowed rain
water to leak into the interior passenger compartment of the car

Some closeup pictures of the damaged grommet under different lighting

It appears that the old grommet failed due to age related rubber dry
rot. This car has been a northern vehicle it's whole life too. People
living in a dry arid enviroment like the west texas desert will likely
have failures of this part well before the vehicle gets to be 12 years

Here's the side of the grommet that you can see from the inside of the

After a big rainstorm, big droplets of water were visible flowing out
of this area.

I could not get this area to leak with water spray from a
garden hose. This made water leak troubleshooting difficult because
this grommet would be dry inside after spraying the engine bay with
water. So I had to wait for a strong thunderstorm to roll around before
I knew that I still had waterleaks into the passenger compartment of
the car.

Here are pictures of the new hood latch cable

The plastic in this area is a little thicker than the original cable
that came on my 1998 crownvic. This resulted in needing a longer bolt
to hold the front of the plastic bracket to the body of the car. The
old bolt was too short, but the back stud/nut worked good with this

The 9W13-16C656-AA engineering part number stamped into this cable
indicates this part is used in production 2009+ cars

Here's what a good firewall grommet should look like

The end of the cable that goes into the hood latch has a plastic clip
on it instead of a metal one. Not a big deal, both setups were
compatible with the original hood latch in my 1998 crownvic.

After reinstalling the hood latch, the hood alignment needed some
adjustment. The hood was held down much lower than it should have been.
Making these adjustments is not too difficult, just loosen the two hood
latch bolts a little bit and the hood latch can move around vertically
and horizontally. The hood latch has large oversized holes in it to
allow for adjustment.