Cruise control comes as a standard feature on civilian 1998 ford crown
victorias, it was optional on crown vics with the
police and taxi package. As can be seen in the diagrams below, there
are a few major components to the cruise control system. They include
the wiring, cruise control switches, cruise control servo, brake
sensor, brake pressure switch, clockspring and vehicle speed sensor. On
1998 models:
- The clockspring (the sliding contacts that electrically connect
steering wheel to the steering column) is the same no matter whether
the car has cruise from the factory or not
- All cars come equipped with a brake position sensor and a vehicle
speed sensor, the PCM needs these inputs to determine transmission
torque converter
lockup and other runtime parameters
- The cruise control wiring is not used for anything other than
control but ford apparently put the wiring into all crown vics they
- The brake pressure switch is a redundant safety device. On 1998's
located inside the vehicles interior behind the brake pedal immediately
above the brake position sensor. And it has two wires going to it, they
are light green with red stripe and orange colored wires. All 98's
were equipped with the brake pressure switch regardless of whether
they had cruise or not.
- On 1997 and prior models the brake pressure switch was located on
aluminum housing of the brake master cylinder, immediately below the
brake fluid level sensor (if so equipped). Some non-cruise equipped
cars got the brake pressure switch, and yet others did not. If you want
to add cruise and don't have the switch, there are a couple options:
replace the master cylinder with
one equipped
with the switch, replace the brake pedal box with it's 1998
counterpart and modify the wiring harness for the new switch location,
or for temporary testing purposes short the LG/R wire with
the O wire.
Note: This
article is relevant to 1992 through 2004 crown vics. In the 2005 model
year, the crown vic recieved electronic throttle control (aka "drive by
wire"). And 2005+ crown vics no longer have any of the following
- mechnical cruise control servo
- mechanical cruise control actuator cable
- mechanical accelerator cable
Installing cruise control on the
2005 and later crownvics involves fewer steps than on earlier vehicles:
first install a new steering wheel with the cruise control switches on
it. Then visit your local ford dealer and have them use their ids/vcm
setup to update the vid block and calibration strategy in the pcm to
their speed control enabled counterparts. See the Ford IDS scantool screenshot webpage
for further details on installing cruise control in a 2005+ crownvic.
The cruise control servo and actuator cable are not installed on
crownvics unless they came factory equipped with cruise. Below is a
list of different service part numbers for the servo
Part Number
Suggested Retail
F8VZ-9C735-BA |
XW7Z-9C735-AA |
$206.55 |
Note: 1995-1997 lincoln towncars have
the same service part number as 1995-2002
crown vics do. But for the 1998 and later model years, towncars got
their own unique servo that gets vehicle speed & brake pedal
engagement signals via the scp databus.
All the electronic servos used in crown vics and marquis from
mid-1992 to 2002 have the same electrical connector and pinout, the
difference is in the calibration of the servo. Installing a servo with
the wrong service part number may cause the transmission to downshift
at odd
times as the servo is not properly calibrated to the shift pattern of
the transmission. 1992-1994 vics used the AOD-E transmission, 1995
and later vics use the 4R70W transmission.
There are a bunch of different service part numbers for the cruise
actuator cable that links the cruise servo to the throttle body but
all share the same basic # of 9A825. Each model year range in the
list below has it's own unique service part number for the actuator
Part Number (Gasoline Powered
Suggested Retail
Replaced by F4VY-9A825-A
As can bee seen above, there are multiple variants of the speed
control actuator cable for a crown vic. Some year ranges will
interchange. For instance, initially I was using the actuator cable out
of a 1996 crown vic in my 1998 vic. But some year ranges will not work
as evidenced by the email message that I received informing me that
someone tried an actuator cable from a 1995 vic in their 1998 vic and
it physically didn't fit. But this could probably be explained by the
fact that in 96', the intake manifold was changed to plastic
construction and the throttle body relocated. If you want to play it
safe, order a new actuator cable from ford before beginning the
project. For most model years, actuator cables are around $25, but for
some years they are as high as $50.
If you notice any small cracks in the donor vehicle's actuator
cable's jacket like I did, definetly replace it. Small cracks usually
get larger given enough time. If the inner cable throttle actuator
cable is exposed, it has the potential to bind against some other
object in
the engine bay and possible cause a vehicle collision. And if you live
in a cold climate, it's possible for water to enter the cable assembly
freeze if the outer protective jacket is broken too.
Also note that the cruise control actuator cable moves in relation
to the engine and body of the car. On high mileage vehicles, watch
actuator cables for chaffing anywhere the cable contacts other part in
the engine bay. This problem is very real, and the factory cable has
thick piping insulation on it in places to help prevent the onset of
this type of problem. The size and length of this insulation varies
according to model year. 1996-1997 vehicles have slightly longer piping
insulation on the actuator cable than later ones. And the 1998+
vehicles have a crash bracket near the throttle body that holds the
accelerator and speed controls cable in place.
Next part on the list is the mounting bracket that attaches to the
bottom of the cruise servo. Are two variations of this bracket:
Part Number
Suggested Retail
F2VY-9C736-A |
$8.48 |
F6VY-9C736-A |
$16.48 |
Also need three bolts to secure the bracket to the servo: hardware
number N806515-S2 (1 bolt)
Next up on the list is the mounting bracket with three studs on it
that goes on the underside of the fender liner and on the other side
of the fender liner attaches to the servo mounting bracket.
Part Number
Suggested Retail
F1VY-9C809-A |
Note: Many revisions of ford service
parts literature incorrectly
list the above part as only fitting 1992-1999 crown vics. But it is the
proper part for
2000-2004 crownvics as well. You may have to supply false information
to your parts vendor to obtain this part. (i.e. inform the dealer that
you own a 1998 crown vic, when you really have a 2004 crown vic)
Will also need three nuts to secure the under fender liner bracket
the one above it: hardware number N621905-S56 (1 nut) (??invalid
And there are also three self tapping screws to hold the servo to
the servo
(New cruise control servo service part assemblies come without any
machined in the mounting holes.)
The ford dealership suggested retail price on the cruise servo +
actuator cable + fender mounting
brackets is over $200, but one ought to be able to acquire a junkyard
setup for
$75 or less. But salvage yard prices on infrequently sold parts such as
cruise control servos vary widely among yards so you may wish to shop
around a little bit. Be careful if you choose the "pre-owned" route
for your cruise servo and your parts come from a "full service" salvage
yard. Most recent ford cruise control servos on vehicle look nearly
identical at a quick glance and you could well end up with the servo
out of the wrong vehicle. For example, putting a servo from a recent
ford taurus
in your crownvic will likely work as the taurus still uses a
(vehicle speed signal) and the connector pinout and actuator cable
system are the same, but the internal electronic calibration of the
is somewhat different.
If you find that the cruise servo electrical connector on the fender
is damaged, a repair pigtail and connector are avaliable for under $40.
The part number for it is: F58Z-14489-HA
Steering wheels without cruise switches have to be replaced
to install the switches. Ford suggested retail for the vinyl steering
wheels complete with cruise switches installed is around $150. Might
get lucky with a junkyard wheel but salvage yard steering wheels are
- worn
- weathered
- wrong color
- have defective switches due to corrosion
- damaged due to airbag deployment (1996-1997 wheels only)
- additionally, many salvage yards will only sell entire steering
column assemblies, and will not sell the steering wheel
Some people have upgraded their steering wheels to leather wrapped ones
while installing cruise, as the leather wrapped ones
are not too much more expensive from ford than the vinyl ones for the
1998+ cars. Some have installed steering wheels out of entirely
vehicles such as the mustang and taurus into their vics. Big thing to
watch for here is whether the airbag currently installed in your vic
will physically fit in the new wheel. A new driver's side airbag for a
vic is over $500 from ford, some vehicles are considerably more
Another point to keep in mind is whether the spline count and diameter
the steering shaft of your vic is the same as the circular mounting
on the donor steering wheel. And yet another issue is whether the
connectors are the same, but as long as you opt for a steering wheel
the same features as your old wheel and keep your original airbag this
will not be a concern. But if you do opt for features such as redundant
radio and climate control system steering wheel controls, chances are
you'll need to install a new clockspring too. Note that some towncars
have lighted cruise control switches, but crown vics do not. A word
salvage yard clocksprings: do not reuse a clockspring out of a vehicle
with a deployed airbag as the wires inside the clockspring are
very thin and airbags consume massive amounts of power when they deploy
which usually damages the clockspring.
Some have asked about steering wheel and airbag compatibility between
the years. There are four different steering wheel designs
used in the 92+ crown vics:
- 92' - 95' wheel with the rectangular "brick" airbag. On these
vehicles, pushing the center of the steering wheel inwards does not
engage the horn, instead one has to push one of the two seperate horn
switches located towards the top of the steering wheel.
- 96'-97' wheel with an airbag that is the same shape as the
airbags in 96'-99' tauruses and 94'-04' mustangs. The horn is engaged
by pushing the airbag inwards. The actual horn switch is seperate from
the airbag assembly.
- 98'-04' newer style steering wheel. The horn is engaged by
pressing the airbag assembly inwards like the 96'-97' ones are.
But the actual horn switch is integrated into the airbag. If the horn
switch were to fail, to get a functional horn again one would have
to purchase an entire $500+ airbag assembly from ford. Fortunetly,
horn switch failure is an extremely rare event on these vehicles.
- 05'-06' newest style steering wheel. These vehicles recieved a
completely redesigned steering column that does not share any parts
with the previous model years. And these steering wheels will not
fit/work in an earlier crown vic.
For obvious reasons, a 98'-04' style steering wheel will not work in a
96'-97' or 92'-95' crown vic unless you also change the airbag and
clockspring. Also note that just because an airbag has the same
physical shape & appearance as another does not mean that it is
airbag. For instance, 98'-00' vics have single stage airbags, but
vics have dual stage airbags with two seperate charges inside.
Additionally, keep in mind that most ford trucks have a steering column
with a different steering shaft diameter and spline design than their
passenger car counterparts. This means that although an explorer or
steering wheel may look very similar to the one in your crown vic, it
not physically fit in your vehicle.
Below is a listing of steering wheels avaliable for selected 1998 and
later crown victorias:
F8AZ-3600- BAK
With speed control, Deep Slate
Blue, Vinyl for trim code (-R)
With speed control, Light
Graphite, Vinyl for trim codes (-2) (-X)
With speed control, Deep
Charcoal, Vinyl for trim codes (-W)
With speed control, Prairie Tan,
Vinyl for trim code (-Y) |
With speed control, Medium
Parchment, Vinyl for trim codes (-G) (-H) (-J)
With speed control, Light Flint,
With speed control, Deep Slate
Blue, Leather wrap for trim code (-R)
With speed control, Light
Graphite, Leather wrap for trim code (-2) (-X)
With speed control, Deep
Charcoal, Leather wrap for trim code (-W)
With speed control, Prairie Tan,
Leather wrap for trim code (-Y)
With speed control, Medium
Parchment, Leather wrap for trim codes (-G) (-H) (-J)
With speed control, Light Flint,
Leather wrap
With speed control, Midnight
Black, Leather wrap for trim code (-W)
Without speed control, Deep
Slate Blue, Vinyl for trim code (-R)
Without speed control, Light
Graphite, Vinyl for trim code (-2) (-X)
Without speed control, Deep
Charcoal, Vinyl for trim code (-W)
Without speed control, Prairie
Tan, Vinyl for trim code (-Y)
Without speed control, Medium
Parchment, Vinyl for trim codes (-G) (-H) (-J)
With speed control &
radio/heater controls, Medium Dark Graphite, Leather wrap |
With speed control &
radio/heater controls, Flint, Leather wrap
With speed control &
radio/heater controls,Parchment, Leather wrap for trim codes (-G) (-H)
With speed control &
radio/heater controls, Deep Charcoal, Leather wrap (-W)
- There are subtle changes in crown vic interior color options
among different model years. For instance, in 1999 the prairie tan
interior color was deleted and replaced with medium parchment. And in
2003, light graphite was deleted and replaced with light flint. Overall
airbag & steering wheel dimensions are the same between all
1998-2003 crown vics.
- The group of steering wheels labelled as "without speed control",
do not have the cruise control switches on them. But these wheels may
be potentially be useful to a department that does not want their
officers using speed control under any circumstances.
- The above list of steering wheels was compiled a few years ago.
Inquire at your local ford dealer for current pricing information if
desired. Also, some of the steering wheels listed above have been
discontinued and are now "obsolete". A relatively fast selling steering
wheel like the 98-02 police blue unit was still avaliable as a service
part as of june 2009. But the relatively slow selling grey civilian
leather wrap steering wheel was "obsolete" and no longer avaliable as
of june 2009.
Cruise servo install:
- Bolt holes for cruise control servo were
pre-drilled in driver's side fender liner
- Push the metal mounting bracket up from
underneath the driver's side fender liner
- Place the servo on top of the studs on the
top of the fender liner
- Place nuts onto studs, tighten to secure the
servo in place
Cruise control actuator cable install:
- Line ball on cable up with cruise servo
- Twist servo cable plug to secure in place
- Remove plastic engine cover
- Route cruise cable from servo to throttle
body area
- Secure cruise linkage cable
to throttle linkage by clipping in pace
- Bolt cruise linkage jacket to bracket
Steering wheel installation
- Disconnect positive and negative terminals
from battery
- Wait ten minutes for airbag
backup power supply to discharge
- Remove 2 airbag bolt plastic covers from
steering wheel
- Remove 2 bolts that secure airbag to steering
- Slide airbag out of steering wheel
- Disconnect airbag electrical connectors
- Remove torx50 bolt from center of steering
- On 1997's and prior, use a standard steering
wheel/harmonic balancer puller to pull the wheel
- On 1998 and up models, loosely screw in
torx50 bolt and use two jaw puller to remove wheel
- Place new wheel onto steering column, tighten
center bolt, plug together electrical connectors and reassemble
Cruise should now engage when car reaches 30MPH, cruise ON switch is
pressed, and speed is set using set accel switch.
The car may need a front end alignment after new steering wheel
to get steering wheel centered when the front tires are pointed
straight ahead. Cost varies for this procedure, some independent shops
charge as little as $40 for a front end alignment, while others have
been known to charge in excess of $80. While in the alignment shop, you
may wish to have the tires balanced if you feel vibration at highway
speeds. Also, don't be suprised if you get a call from the shop telling
you that you've got worn front end components that should be replaced.
Front suspension and steering components seem to have a rather short
lifespan during police use.
Ford does not offer a "9A818 speed control retrofit kit" for 98'
crown victorias, you have to order each part individually.
Note: For vehicles without speed
control, a cap containing a
shorting bar is placed over the 10-pin servo connector. The shorting
bar connects pins 6 and 10, providing a ground path for the steering
wheel mounted horn switches. If this shorting bar is not present, the
horn will not function. The part number for this item is F3TZ-14A666-A
Picture of the original non-cruise steering wheel installed in my
98' PI,
the tool to the left is the two jaw puller used to remove the steering
from the column.
Below is a power adjustable pedal box and it's fixed counterpart.
The blueish
switch on the right is the speed deac switch used in 98+ vehicles. The
held on using the yellowish retainer is the brake on/off (boo) switch.
your brake lights don't work and you "cant shift out of park", highly
boo switch or it's wiring has failed. The deac switch is only used by
cruise control system and failure typically will not cause any symptoms
than a cruise control system that doesn't work.
(To view more pictures of the below components, click here)
And here's a closeup of the speed control deac switches from a 98'
crown victoria and a 01' grand marquis
Note the electrical connector on the sensor mounted to the metal
housing of the master cylinder, that's the brake pressure (DEAC) switch
used in
1996-1997 crown victorias. Some 1992-1997 crownvics will instead have
the deac switch located on the proportioning valve below the master

If cruise control still doesn't opearte properly, below are some
troubleshooting hints:
- Keep in mind that the basic operating principle of the cruise
control system is to monitor the vehicle speed and mechanically move
throttle linkage like the vehicle operator would by pressing the
pedal. And this is why you should not use the cruise control on roads
a low coefficent of friction (i.e. rain or snow) because the cruise
will sense the deceleration when you go through a puddle and attempt to
accelerate the car causing it to "spinout".
- Physically make sure that the servo and actuator cable are
present. It's common for police departments to swap wear components
such as steering wheels among different vehicles. So just because you
have a steering wheel with cruise switches, doesn't necessarily mean
that you've got the rest of the needed components present.
- Make that the actuator cable is physically attached to the
throttle body. On vehicles with a large amount of accelerator pedal
depress/release cycles (i.e. inner city taxi cab), it's not uncommon to
find the plastic where the cable
meets with the ball stud of the throttle body wears in such a way that
the cable will pop off at random intervals in time. If you find the
linkage cable just laying loose inside the engine bay, chances are that
it's worn and in need of replacement.
- A multimeter with volt and ohm measurment capability is a must
have device for accuratetly diagnosing a malfunctioning cruise control
setup. The meter can be of the $20 walmart or radioshack variety and
doesn't need to be anything fancy. But a "testlight" is not an
acceptable substitute.
- On the old 92-97 vehicles, carefully inspect the speed deac
switch mounted to the brake master cylinder. If it fails, it can cause
the speed control system to become inoperative. It could also vent the
hydraulic system to the ouside air which could turn into an expensive
repair should significant amounts of water or other debris accumulate
inside the abs hydraulic control unit. As mentioned previosuly, 98+
vehicles use a switch mounted to the
brake pedal box inside the car instead of the master cylinder under the
- With the large number of hours that police officers sit in their
cars, it's not uncommon to find human dander, and food & skin oils
have accumulated significantly enough inside the switches that they
don't work properly. If you've found that the cruise switch resistance
is out of range at the connector plug, spraying some contact cleaner or
wd40 inside the
cruise switches may temporarily bring the switch resistances back
within to allow for further diagnostics. But cruise switches are sealed
and not designed to be "cleaned", so if you spray something inside the
switches, you should replace the switches with new service assemblies.
- Clocksprings are wear items because they flex everytime the
steering wheel is turned. If your cruise control became inoperative
around the same time that your airbag light started flashing or horn
failed to function, and you find that the cruise switch resistances are
out of range, suspect that the clockspring has failed.
- The cruise control "ON" switch gets a low current +12v
signal through the horn relay engagement coil. So if the horn relay is
not present or if there is a wiring fault between the horn switches and
the relay, the cruise control probably won't work either.
For cruise control to engage,
- Pin 3 must have a valid vss signal on it. If your speedometer
is accurate, then there's a high probability that this signal is also
accurate at the cruise servo because both devices get data from the
same sender. But do keep in mind that there could be a wiring fault in
between the two.
- Pin 4 should be at 0V because it has a ground path through the
brake light filaments
- Pins 5 & 6 should have valid steering wheel cruise switch
data. To check the on button, connect a voltmeter between the two pins.
Pressing the ON button should register +12V. To check the rest of the
switches, connect an ohmmeter between the two pins. Pressing OFF = 0
Ohms. Coast=120 Ohms. Set Accel=680 Ohms. Resume=2200 Ohms. The cruise
servo accepts a 10% deviance from the stated values. For example, it's
acceptable for the coast switch to fall anywhere within the 108-132
range. And also if you see the resistance values vary significantly
when you have an assistant turn the steering wheel while holding the
cruise switches, suspect the clockspring has failed.
- Pin 7 should read +12V when the ignition key is in the run or
accessory positions
- Pin 9 should read +12V with the brake pedal released
- Pin 10 is ground. Disconnect the battery and measure the
resistance between a ground source and this pin if you suspect a
Additionally, Ford has released a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB)
about Cruise Control Diagnostics with some additional service
tips. TSB 06-08-05 is avaliable by
clicking here. But do note that crown victoria police interceptors
do not have a cruise control engaged light on the instrument panel, so
you will need to manually probe the appropriate circuit on the cruise
control servo electrical harness to monitor the voltage pulses that
would represent lightbulb flashes in the tsb.
Note: Some fleet "mechanics" with unlimited access to multiple crown
vics just swap cruise control components between vehicles until the
cruise control system starts to work again. While not recommended, the
force" method is often effective because of the limited number of parts
in the speed control system. But then again, the same "mechanics" would
probably never get the cruise control system to function again if the
cause of the problem was with the dashboard electrical harness.
- Motor Age magazine had an article in the October 2002 issue with
some information on ford cruise control components. Click here to view the article in question.
- Information about the vacuum based cruise control system used in
the legacy pre-1992 crownvics is avaliable by clicking here.
Questions or comments?