For today's project, we're going to be replacing the alternator on a
1997 ford crown victoria police interceptor because I found a good deal
on a new takeoff alternator from an econoline van that was removed
during an ambulance conversion. The alternator currently installed on
this crownvic is functional, but with a 150k miles it's unknown how
much longer it will last.
The first step is to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery
so that we don't damage any wiring harnesses or cause an electrical
fire during the alternator replacement project.
The next step is to loosen the front engine accessory drive belt
tension by twisting a 1/2" breaker bar in the belt tensioner

The belt tensioner doesn't require much leverage to loosen, but the
long handle means that we don't have to wedge our arm in between the
radiator shroud and the engine block

Now remove the bolts which hold the alternator bracket to the alternator

Slide back the protective boot on the high current alternator battery

Remove the nut front the charging post

And the alternator can be removed from the vehicle after the two lower
mounting bolts are out

The hose under the intake manifold that is usually hidden by the
alternator is for the heater core to return coolant to the waterpump

Here's the new alternator next to the old one. The new alternator is a
direct fit for 1992-1995 crownvics, but we need to swap the output post
to make it work in 1996-1997 vehicles.

To remove the red plastic insulator, the rear housing of the alternator
needs to come off first.

Being a new alternator, the commutator is in very nice condition
without any grooves worn into it yet

The red plastic insulator simply pushed out using my finger

Prior to reassembling the alternator, the brushes are going to have to
be retracted in the regulator

This was accomplished by pushing the brushes inwards with my fingers
and then using a bent paperclip to hold them in place

The alternator with the back case installed waiting for the regulator

After installing the regulator

After installing the post extension from the old alternator onto the
new alternator

And placing the alternator back on the engine

It's now time to install the mounting post nut and the top bracket

This particular alternator model would have been a direct fit into
1992-1995 crownvics. But installing it into a 1996-1997 car required
partially disassembling the alternator to swap the output post setup.